All MC Members
All Members of HRANI
Dear Member
Please refer to the trailing mail on the subject mentioned above.
We are happy to share that acceding to HRANI's request to grant extension to the validity of project approvals and classification / reclassification of hotels and other accommodation units beyond 30.04.2021, in the wake of spiraling COVID-19 cases, the Ministry of Tourism has decided to extend the validity till 30.09.2021.
Submitted for your information please.
Thank you,
Best regards,
Renu Thapliyal
Secretary General

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: HRACC Division <>
Date: Wed, Apr 28, 2021, 10:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: Extension of the validity of project approvals and Classification/Re-classification orders of hotels and other accommodation units beyond 30.04.2021 considering spiraling of Covid-19 cases.
To: HRANI 1950 <>
Please refer to this Ministry’s O.M. No. 4-TH.II(7)/2020-H&R dated 29.12.2020 and all preceding communications regarding extension of validity period of hotel project approvals and classification /reclassification orders of hotels and other accommodation units which were expired /likely to expired during 24.03.2020 to April, 2021.
2. The representations received from the hotel association and individual hotels for extension of validity period of hotel projects and hotel classification orders beyond 30.04.2021 have been considered by the Ministry . It has been decided with the approval of the Competent Authority to extend the validity of hotel projects orders and classification/reclassification orders of hotels and other accommodation units such as motels, apartment hotels, IIB&B/homestay units, Convention Centres, Guest houses, timeshare resorts, standalone air catering units, standalone restaurants, etc. beyond 30.04.2021 and till 30.09.2021. This order shall cover all the hotels and accommodation units whose validity has expired /likely to expire in this intervening period.
3. It is requested that the hotels and other accommodation units may accordingly be informed.
(B.B. Dash)
Director (H&R)
Ministry of Tourism
Government of India
- All Regional Directors, Ministry of Tourism.