All Managing Committee Members of HRANI
All Members of HRANI
Dear Member,
Greetings from HRANI!
I am writing to you in regard to the MOU signed between HRANI & IRCTC for empanelment of association's Hotel members room inventory on IRCTC portal with special benefits
Members may please note that on the request of HRANI the waiver on integration charges have been extended from July 31, 2021 to October 31, 2021.
HRANI Members will be eligible for the following benefits
- A one-time waiver off integration charges for all new applications received up to 31st October, 2021 is also applicable.
- The Hotels can get equivalent facilities to star category upon a certification by HRANI. Star equivalent facilities of such hotels will be reflected against the hotel name indicating */**/***/**** (-----association member) in the hotel page in IRCTC website.
- Reduced commission from 12% to 5% (as applicable) for classified and other hotels affiliated to HRANI
To avail the above benefits, enclosure of HRANI membership certificate is mandatory with other requisite documents.
The Expression of Interest received from IRCTC is attached with this mail for your ready reference.
The online registration can also be done in the URL
For any query related to EOI, please contact Mr. Ranjit Singh Nayal, Manager Tourism, IRCTC Sales Office, New Delhi on 08287930474 / or contact HRANI office @ 011-26468103, 011-26433590.
Members are encouraged to make use of this good business opportunity.
Thanking you
Renu Thapliyal
Secretary General