What We Do

We offer great benefits and services for our members through


We continuously monitor various legal and regulatory developments and obtain timely and effective redress for our members viz. MRP, TDSAT, FSSAI, & Pollution etc.


As the authentic voice of the hospitality industry in Northern India, HRANI actively engages with the central and state Governments issues and robustly represents the views and concerns of our members.


Our convention serves as a unique platform for our members from across Northern India to interact and deliberate with key stakeholders including those at the highest echelons of the Government, eminent global experts, business icons, media. etc.


In partnership with other eminent stakeholders, HRANI regularly conducts Seminars, Conferences and workshops across North India, on a wide range of technical and topical issues of interest to our members.


The HRANI website www.hrani.net.in is a comprehensive portal which gives access to latest industry news, event updates, electronic copies of the current & previous issues of the HRANI Magazine and other indispensable resources. Our member enjoy the privilege of free listing along with a facility of hyperlinks to their own website.


Our hotel & restaurant members avail two membership discount cards entitling them to 30% discount on rooms and F & B in all member establishments.


The membership of Hotel and Restaurant Association of Northern India (HRANI) is conduit to become a member of the national body. - The Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI).

The FHRAI established in 1955 comprises of four regional associations - HRANI, HRAWI, HRAEI and SIHRA. It serves the collective needs of all its members and act as a nodal agency for the hotel and restaurant industry. The Federation is run by an Executive Committee which has an equal representation from all the four regions.


HRANI Hospitality Magazine : HRANI publishes an in-house Hospitality magazine on quarterly basis by the name of HRANI Hospitality which is sent free of cost to all members. The magazine provides information about HRANI and the hospitality industry as a whole.

HRANI Guide : Membership entitles you to be listed in our prestigious Hotel & Restaurant Guide, which is updated and published in CD ROM every alternate year.

The publications are circulated complimentary to all our members, Govt. Officials, Trade bodies & educational institution.

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