Delhi’s Chandni Chowk gets new look, a restoration of not just facade but 400-yr-old legacy

Delhi govt will unveil Chandni Chowk's new look next month — freshly tiled with red sandstone, its sides colourful with flowerpots, punctuated with benches for the tired feet

The first phase of the project, which is complete, concentrates on the beautification of the 1.3-kilometre stretch between Red Fort’s Lahori Gate and the Fatehpuri Masjid — the main thoroughfare of this historical hub since the 17th century

The menace of motor vehicles is gone from this road as only manually-pedalled rickshaws are allowed. The street has also been beautified — retiled, potted with plants, and pavements widened for a better walking experience. The dirty mesh of overhead wires has also been removed.

The PRASAD scheme was launched by the Central government in 2015 by the Ministry of Tourism, focusing on identifying and developing pilgrim sites across the country to promote religious tourism. It aims to integrate pilgrimage destinations in a prioritised, planned and sustainable manner to provide a complete religious tourism experience

HRANI is thankful toSh. Yogendra Tripathi , Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India and the team of the Ministry for easing the hospitality industry during this crucial time of COVID 19.

HRANI under the guidance of our President Mr. Surendra Kumar Jaiswal has been taking up industry concerns with various departments of the Central and State government through representations for relief in this period of crisis

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