HRANI conducts its 72nd Annual General Meeting

HRANI conducts its 72nd Annual General Meeting. Hotel and Restaurant Association of Northern India, the northern wing of the FHRAI and voice of the Hospitality industry of Northern India, held its 72nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27 September 2023 at The Umrao, New Delhi.

Mr. Garish Oberoi, Chairman of the Company chaired the meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 under the guidance of Independent Mr. Ravi Gupta Chartered Accountant, M/s Gupta Dutt & Associates. The facility of e-voting and in person voting was provided by the Company to its members and the resolutions were passed by the requisite majority.

The esteemed leadership team comprises industry veterans who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the helm of the association.

The meeting was followed with the HRANI Awards of Excellence to its members and Meeting of Managing Committee of the Company.

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