Food Safety Supervisor Training in Advance Catering (FoSTaC) programme

The Hotel and Restaurant Association of Northern India (HRANI), conducted its latest Food Safety Supervisor Training in Advance Catering (FoSTaC) programme on July 1, 2023 at Le Meridien New Delhi. The training programme witnessed the registration of about 40 professionals from the hospitality industry to enhance their knowledge and skills in ensuring safe and healthy food practices.

The FoSTaC programme was conducted by Ms Pritha Tripathi as a Trainer. Ms Tripathi is a food technologist with over 14 years of national and international experience. Worked as a scientist in FSSAI and has contributed in creation of the FOSTAC program.

Investing in employee training and certification, hospitality establishments not only improve their reputation but also provide an enhanced customer experience, resulting in increased loyalty and business growth stated Surendra Kumar Jaiswal, Hony Secretary HRANI & also Vice President, FHRAI.

Garish Oberoi, President, HRANI in his statement said that the importance of the training program cannot be overstated. The consumers are increasingly health-conscious and highly concerned about food safety therefore, it is critical for the hospitality sector to ensure safety and health. He further said that the collaboration between FSSAI and HRANI reflects our shared commitment to promoting safe and healthy food practices in the hospitality industry. We take immense pride that HRANI has taken the lead of FOSTAC with the first five pilot sessions of the program in the northern region.

While welcoming the participants, the Secretary General Renu Thapliyal mentioned the importance of the FOSTAC session helping the trainees to understand the safety practices and acquire the skills necessary to effectively implement them in their daily operations. She also added that the FoSTaC programme has strengthened the principles of safe and healthy food practices in the region. The recent training programme held off line served as a testament to the unified global commitment to ensuring food safety for all.

Food handlers from Radisson, Le Meridien, Holiday Inn, Jaypee Group, Mosaic hotels, Shervani Hotel, Cafe Toninio and others attended the program.

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